
WEB222 - Week 2

Suggested Readings


A function is a subprogram, or a smaller portion of code that can be called (i.e., invoked) by another part of your program, another function, or by the environment in response to some user or device action (e.g., clicking a button, a network request, the page closing). Functions can take values (i.e., arguments) and may return a value.

Functions are first-class members of JavaScript, and play a critical role in developing JavaScript programs. JavaScript functions can take other functions as arguments, can return functions as values, can be bound to variables or Object properties, and can even have their own properties. We’ll talk about more of this when we visit JavaScript’s object-oriented features.

Learning to write code in terms of functions takes practice. JavaScript supports functional programming. Web applications are composed of lots of small components that need to get wired together using functions, have to share data (i.e., state), and interoperate with other code built into the browser, or in third-party frameworks, libraries, and components.

We use JavaScript functions in a number of ways. First, we encapsulate a series of statements into higher-order logic, giving a name to a set of repeatable steps we can call in different ways and places in our code. Second, we use them to define actions to be performed in response to events, whether user initiated or triggered by the browser. Third, we use them to define behaviours for objects, what is normally called a member function or method. Fourth, we use them to define constructor functions, which are used to create new objects. We’ll look at all of these in the coming weeks.

Before we dive into that, we’ll try to teach you that writing many smaller functions is often better than having a few large ones. Smaller code is easier to test, easier to understand, and generally has fewer bugs.

User-defined Functions

JavaScript has many built-in functions, which we’ll get to below; however, it also allows you to write your own and/or use functions written by other developers (libraries, frameworks).

These user-defined functions can take a number of forms.

Function Declarations

The first is the function declaration, which looks like this:

// The most basic function, a so-called NO OPERATION function
function noop() {

// square function accepts one parameter `n`, returns its value squared.
function square(n) {
    return n * n;

// add function accepts two parameters, `a` and `b`, returns their sum.
function add(a, b) {
    return a + b;

Here the function keyword initiates a function declaration, followed by a name, a parameter list in round parenthesis, and the function’s body surrounded by curly braces. There is no semi-colon after the function body.

Function Expressions

The second way to create a function is using a function expression. Recall that expressions evaluate to a value: a function expression evaluates to a function Object. The resulting value is often bound (i.e., assigned) to a variable, or used as a parameter.

let noop = function() {};

let square = function(n) {
    return n * n;

let add = function add(a, b) {
    return a + b;

A few things to note:

Arrow Functions

Modern JavaScript also introduces a new function syntax called an Arrow Function or “Fat Arrow”. These functions are more terse, using the => notation (not to be confused with the <= and >= comparison operators):

let noop = () => {};

let square = n => n * n;

let add = (a, b) => a + b;

When you see let add = (a, b) => a + b; it is short-hand for let add = function(a, b) { return a + b; }, where => replaces the function keyword and comes after the parameter list, and the return keyword is optional, when functions return a single value.

Arrow functions also introduce some new semantics for the this keyword, which we’ll address later.

You should be aware of Arrow functions, since many web developers use them heavily. However, don’t feel pressure to use them yet if you find their syntax confusing.

Parameters and arguments

Function definitions in both cases take parameter lists, which can be empty, single, or multiple in length. Just as with variable declaration, no type information is given:

function emptyParamList() {

function singleParam(oneParameter) {

function multipleParams(one, two, three, four) {

A function can accept any number of arguments when it is called, including none. This would break in many other languages, but not JavaScript:

function log(a) {

log("correct");          // logs "correct"
log("also", "correct");  // logs "also"
log();                   // logs undefined

Because we can invoke a function with any number of arguments, we have to write our functions carefully, and test things before we make assumptions. How can we deal with a caller sending 2 vs. 10 values to our function?

One way we do this is using the built-in arguments Object.

Every function has an implicit arguments variable available to it, which is an array-like object containing all the arguments passed to the function. We can use arguments.length to obtain the actual number of arguments passed to the function at runtime, and use array index notation (e.g., arguments[0]) to access an argument:

function log(a) {
    console.log(arguments.length, a, arguments[0]);

log("correct");          // 1, "correct", "correct"
log("also", "correct");  // 2, "also", "also"
log();                   // 0, undefined, undefined

We can use a loop to access all arguments, no matter the number passed:

function sum() {
    const count = arguments.length;
    let total = 0;
    for(let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        total += arguments[i];
    return total;

sum(1);          // 1
sum(1, 2);       // 3
sum(1, 2, 3, 4); // 10

You may have wondered previously how console.log() can work with one, two, three, or more arguments. The answer is that all JavaScript functions work this way, and you can use it to “overload” your functions with different argument patterns, making them useful in more than one scenario.

Parameters and ...

Modern JavaScript also supports naming the “rest” of the parameters passed to a function. These Rest Parameters allow us to specify that all final arguments to a function, no matter how many, should be available to the function as a named Array.

There are some advantages to not using the implicit arguments keyword, which rest parameters provide.

We can convert the example above to this, naming our arbitrary list of “numbers”:

function sum(...numbers) {
    let total = 0;
    for(let i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
        total += numbers[i];
    return total;

Dealing with Optional and Missing Arguments

Because we can change the number of arguments we pass to a function at runtime, we also have to deal with missing data, or optional parameters. Consider the case of a function to calculate a player’s score in a video game. In some cases we may want to double a value, for example, as a bonus for doing some action a third time in a row:

function updateScore(currentScore, value, bonus) {
    return bonus ? currentScore + value * bonus : currentScore + value;

updateScore(10, 3);
updateScore(10, 3);
updateScore(10, 3, 2);

Here we call updateScore three different times, sometimes with 2 arguments, and once with 3. Our updateScore function has been written so it will work in both cases. We’ve used a conditional ternary operator to decide whether or not to add an extra bonus score. When we say bonus ? ... : ... we are checking to see if the bonus argument is truthy or falsy–that is, did the caller provide a value for it? If they did, we do one thing, if not, we do another.

Here’s another common way you’ll see code like this written, using a default value:

function updateScore(currentScore, value, bonus) {
    // See if `bonus` is truthy (has a value or is undefined) and use it, or default to 1
    bonus = bonus || 1;
    return currentScore + value * bonus;

In this case, before we use the value of bonus, we do an extra check to see if it actually has a value or not. If it does, we use that value as is; but if it doesn’t, we instead assign it a value of 1. Then, our calculation will always work, since multiplying the value by 1 will be the same as not using a bonus.

The idiom bonus = bonus || 1 is very common in JavaScript. It uses the Logical Or Operator || to test whether bonus evaluates to a value or not, and prefers that value if possible to the fallback default of 1. We could also have written it out using an if statements like these:

function updateScore(currentScore, value, bonus) {
    if(bonus) {
        return currentScore + value * bonus;
    return currentScore + value;

function updateScore(currentScore, value, bonus) {
    if(!bonus) {
        bonus = 1;
    return currentScore + value * bonus;

JavaScript programmers tend to use the bonus = bonus || 1 pattern because it is less repetitive, using less code, and therefore less likely to introduce bugs. We could shorten it even further to this:

function updateScore(currentScore, value, bonus) {
    return currentScore + value * (bonus || 1);

Because this pattern is so common, modern JavaScript has added a built-in way to handle Default Parameters. Instead of using || notation in the body of the function, we can specify a default value for any named parameter when it is declared. This frees us from having to check for, and set default values in the function body. Using default parameters, we could convert our code above to this:

function updateScore(currentScore, value, bonus = 1) {
    return currentScore + value * bonus;

Now, if bonus has a value (i.e., is passed as a parameter), we use it; otherwise, we use 1 as a default.

Return Value

Functions always return a value, whether implicitly or explicitly. If the return keyword is used, the expression following it is returned from the function. If it is omitted, the function will return undefined:

function implicitReturnUndefined() {
    // no return keyword, the function will return `undefined` anyway

function explicitReturnUndefined() {
    // return keyword, but no expression given, which is also `undefined`

function explicitReturn() {
    return 1;
    // return keyword, followed by `Number` expression evalutes to `Number`

function explicitReturn2() {
    return "Hello" + " World!";
    // return keyword, followed by expression evaluating to a `String`

Function Naming

Functions are typically named using the same rules we learned for naming any variable: camelCase and using the set of valid letters, numbers, etc. and avoiding language keywords.

Function declarations always give a name to the function, while function expressions often omit it, using a variable name instead:

// Name goes after the `function` keyword in a declaration
function validateUser() {

// Name is used only at the level of the bound variable, function is anonymous
let validateUser = function() {

// Name is repeated, which is correct but not common. Used with recursive functions
let validateUser = function validateUser() {

// Names are different, which is also correct, but not common as it can lead to confusion
let validateUser = function validate() {
    // the validate name is only accessible here, within the function body

Because JavaScript allows us to bind function objects (i.e., result of function expressions) to variables, it is common to create functions without names, but immediately pass them to functions as arguments. The only way to use this function is via the argument name:

// The parameter `fn` will be a function, and `n` a number
function execute(fn, n) {
    // Call the function referred to by the argument (i.e, variable) `fn`, passing `n` as its argument
    return fn(n);

// 1. Call the `execute` function, passing an anonymous function, which squares its argument, and the value 3
execute(function(n) {
    return n * n;
}, 3);

// 2. Same thing as above, but with different formatting
execute(function(n) { return n * n;}, 3);

// 3. Same thing as above, using an Arrow Function
execute((n) => n * n, 3);

let doubleIt = function(num) {
    return num * 2;

// 4. Again call `execute`, but this time pass `doubleIt` as the function argument
execute(doubleIt, 3); 

We can also use functions declared via function declarations used this way, and bind them to variables:

function greeting(greeting, name) {
    return greeting + " " + name;

var sayHi = greeting;  // also bind a reference to greeting to sayHi

// We can now call `greeting` either with `greeting()` or `sayHi()`
console.log(greeting("Hello", "Steven"));
console.log(sayHi("Hi", "Kim"));

JavaScript treats functions like other languages treat numbers or booleans, and lets you use them as values. This is a very powerful feature, but can cause some confusion as you get started with JavaScript.

You might ask why we would ever choose to define functions using variables. One common reason is to swap function implementations at runtime, depending on the state of the program. Consider the following code for displaying the user interface depending on whether the user is logged in or not:

// Display partial UI for guests and non-authenticated users, hiding some features
function showUnauthenticatedUI() {

// Display full UI for authenticated users
function showAuthenticatedUI() {

// We will never call showUnauthenticatedUI or showAuthenticatedUI directly.
// Instead, we will use showUI to hold a reference to one or the other,
// and default to the unauthenticated version at first (i.e., until the user logs in).
let showUI = showUnauthenticatedUI;


// Later in the program, when a user logs in, we can swap the implementation
// without touching any of our UI code.
function authenticate(user) {
    showUI = showAuthenticatedUI;


// Whenever we need to refresh/display the UI, we can always safely call
// whichever function is currently bound to `showUI`.

Invoking Functions, the Execution Operator

In many of the examples above, we’ve been invoking (i.e., calling, running, executing) functions but haven’t said much about it. We invoke a function by using the () operator:

let f = function() { console.log('f was invoked'); };

In the code above, f is a variable that is assigned the value returned by a function expression. This means f is a regular variable, and we can use it like any other variable. For example, we could create another variable and share its value:

let f = function() { console.log('f was invoked'); };
let f2 = f;
f();       // invokes the function
f2();      // also invokes the function

Both f and f2 refer to the the same function object. What is the difference between saying f vs. f() in the line let f2 = f;? When we write f() we are really saying, “Get the value of f (the function referred to) and invoke it.” However, when we write f (without ()), we are saying, “Get the value of f (the function referred to)” so that we can do something with it (assign it to another variable, pass it to a function, etc).

The same thing is true of function declarations, which also produce function Objects:

function f() { console.log('f was invoked'); };
let f2 = f;
f2();      // also invokes the function

The distinction between referring to a function object via its bound variable name (f) vs invoking that same function (f()) is important, because JavaScript programs treat functions as data, just as you would a Number. Consider the following:

function checkUserName(userName, customValidationFn) {
    // If `customValidationFn` exists, and is a function, use that to validate `userName`
    if(customValidationFn && typeof customValidationFn === 'function') {
        return customValidationFn(userName);
    // Otherwise, use a default validation function
    return defaultValidationFn(userName);

Here the checkUserName function takes two arguments: the first a String for a username; the second an optional (i.e., may not exist) function to use when validating this username. Depending on whether or not we are passed a function for customValidationFn, we will either use it, or use a default validation function (defined somewhere else).

Notice the line if(customValidationFn && typeof customValidationFn === 'function') { where customValidationFn is used like any other variable (accessing the value it refers to vs. doing an invocation), to check if it has a value, and if its value is actually a function. Only then is it save to invoke it.

It’s important to remember that JavaScript functions aren’t executed until they are called via the invocation operator, and may also be used as values without being called.

Built-in/Global Functions

JavaScript provides a small number of built-in global functions for working with its data types, for example:

There are also global functions that exist for historical reasons, but should be avoided for performance, usability, and/or security reasons:

Most of JavaScripts “standard library” comes in the form of methods on global objects vs. global functions. A method is a function that is bound to a variable belonging to an object, also known as a property. We’ll be covering these in more depth later, but here are some examples

Much of web programming is done using Objects and calling their methods. JavaScript is a small language, but the ecosystem of Objects, APIs, libraries, and frameworks allows it to do anything.


JavaScript variables were historically declared with the var keyword. Modern JavaScript has switched to let, const. The way each works is different, and it’s important to understand these differences.

We often assign a value when we declare it, though we don’t have to do both at once:

let x;      // declared, no assignment (value is `undefined`)
x = 7;      // assignment of previously declared variable
let y = x;  // declaration and assignment combined

A variable always has a scope, which is the location(s) in the code where it is usable. Consider the variables total and value, as well as the add function below:

var total = 7;                    // global variable, accessible everywhere

function add(n) {
    var value = total + n;        // local variable, accessible anywhere within the function only 
    return value;

console.log("Total is", total);   // Works, because `total` is in the same scope
console.log("Value is", value);   // `undefined`, since `value` isn't defined in this scope
console.log("New Total", add(16)) // Works, because `add` is defined in the same scope

When using the var keyword, variables use function scope, while variables declared with let and const use block scope. Coming from C/C++, using let and const will likely feel more familiar`:

int main()
      int x = 10;       // x is declared with block scope
      printf("%d", x);  // Error: x is not accessible here
  return 0;

Now in JavaScript:

function main() {
        var x = 10;     // x is declared in a block, but is scoped to `main`
        console.log(x); // works, because `x` is accessible everywhere in `main`

Because variables declared using var have function scope, programmers tended to define them at the top of their functions. They don’t strictly need to do this, since JavaScript will hoist or raise all variables declared with var in a function to the top of the function’s scope:

function f() {
    var y = x + 1;
    var x = 2;

At runtime, this will be transformed into the following:

function f() {
    var x;          // declaration is hoisted (but not assignment) to the top

    var y = x + 1;  // `NaN`, since `undefined` + 1 can't be resolved
    x = 2;          // note: `x` is not declared above, only the assignment is now here

This also happens when we forget to declare a local variable:

function f() {
    x = 2;          // `x` is assigned a value, but not declared 
    return x + 1;

At runtime, this will be transformed into the following:

var x;              // `x` is not found in the scope of `f`, so it becomes global

function f() {
    x = 2;
    return x + 1;

The previous example introduces another important concept with JavaScript scopes, namely, that scopes can be nested within one another. Hoisting is moving variable declarations to the beginning of a scope. For example, function declarations are hoisted completely, which means we can call a function before we declare it.

f(); // this will work, as f's declaration gets hoisted
function f() {}
f(); // this will also work, because f has been declared as you expect.

g(); // this will not work, since g's declaration will be hoisted, but not the assignment.
var g = function() {};

Many of the confusing aspects of function scope and hoisting are solved by using let and const, which work at the block level instead. Consider these two loops:

// Version 1 using var
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    console.log('The value of i is ' + i);

// Version 2 using let
for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    console.log('The value of i is ' + i);

In the preceding code, the scope of i is different in version 1 vs. 2. In version 1, the declaration of i will actually cause a variable to be created in the scope of the owning function. This may or may not be what you expect (i.e., the variable i will exist outside the loop). In version 2, this is not the case, and i is scoped to the function body only (i.e., you can’t access it before or after the loop).

We’re discussing both function and block scopes because JavaScript supports each of them, and code you’ll work on will use both methods. It’s important to understand each approach.

For new code that you write, you are encouraged to prefer let and const and use block scope.

Overwriting Variables in Child Scopes

Since variables defined with var have function scope, and because functions can be nested, we have to be careful when naming our variables and arguments so as to not overwrite a variable in a parent scope. Or, we can use this to temporarily do exactly that. In both cases, we need to understand how nested scopes work.

Consider the the following code, where a variable named x is used in three different scopes. What will be printed to the console when child is called?

var x = 1;

function parent() {
    var x = 2;

    function child(x) {


The first declaration of x creates a global variable (i.e., available in every scope). Then, in parent we re-declare x, creating a new local variable, which overwrites (or hides) the global variable x in this scope (i.e., within the body of parent). Next, we define yet another scope for child, which also uses x as the name of its only argument (essentially another local variable). When we do child(3), we are binding the value 3 to the x argument defined for the scope of child, and in so doing yet again overwriting the parent x. In the end, the console will show 3.

We can do this in error as well, and cause unexpected behaviour:

var total = 5;

function increase(n) {
    var total = n + n;


Here we expect to see 100 but instead will get 5 on the console. The problem is that we have redefined, and thus overwritten total inside the increase function. During the call to increase, the new local variable total will be used, and then go out of scope. After the function completes, the original global variable total will again be used.


A closure is a function that has closed over a scope, retaining this scope even after it would otherwise disappear through the normal rules of execution. In the following function, the variable x goes out of scope as soon as the function finishes executing:

function f() {
    var x = 7;
    return x * 2;
    // After this return, and f completes, `x` will no longer be available.

In JavaScript, functions have access not only to their own local variables, but also to any variables in their parents’ scope. That is, if a variable is used (referenced) but not declared in a function, JavaScript will visit the parent scope to find the variable. This can happen for any number of child/parent levels up to the global level.

The following is an example of this, and probably one you’ve seen before:

var x = 7;

function f() {
    return x * 2;  // `x` not declared here, JS will look in the parent scope (global)

Consider this example:

function parent() {
    var x = 7;

    function child() {
        return x * 2;

    return child();

Here x is used in child, but declared in parent. The child function has access to all variables in its own scope, plus those in the parent scope. This nesting of scopes relies on JavaScript’s function scope rules, and allows us to share data.

Sometimes we need to capture data in a parent scope, and retain it for a longer period of time than would otherwise be granted for a given invocation. Consider this example:

function createAccumulator(value) {
    return function(n) {
        value += n;
        return value;

var add = createAccumulator(10);
add(1)   // returns 11
add(2)   // returns 13

Here the createAccumulator function takes an argument value, the initial value to use for an accumulator function. It returns an anonymous function which takes a value n (a Number) and adds it to the value before returning it. The add function is created by invoking createAccumulator with the initial value of 10. The function that is returned by createAccumulator has access to value in its parent’s scope. Normally, value would be destroyed as soon as createAccumulator finished executing. However, we have created a closure to capture the variable value in a scope that is now attached to the function we’re creating and returning. As long as the returned function exists (i.e., as long as add holds on to it), the variable value will continue to exist in our child function’s scope: the variables that existed when this function was created continue to live on like a memory, attached to the lifetime of the returned function.

Closures make it possible to associate some data (i.e., the environment) with a function that can then operate on that data. We see similar strategies in pure object-oriented languages, where data (properties) can be associated with an object, and functions (methods) can then operate on that data. Closures play a somewhat similar role, however, they are more lightweight and allow for dynamic (i.e., runtime) associations.

By connecting data and functionality, closures help to reduce global variables, provide ways to “hide” data, allow a mechanism for creating private “methods”, avoid overwriting other variables in unexpected ways.

As we go further with JavaScript and web programming, we will encounter many instances where closures can be used to manage variable lifetimes, and associated functions with specific objects. For now, be aware of their existence, and know that it is an advanced concept that will take some time to fully master. This is only our first exposure to it.

Another way we’ll see closures used, is in conjunction with Immediately-Invoked Function Expressions (IIFE). Consider the following rewrite of the code above:

let add = (function(value) {
    return function(n) {
        value += n;
        return value;

add(1)   // returns 11
add(2)   // returns 13

Here we’ve declared add to be the value of invoking the anonymous function expression written between the first (...) parentheses. In essence, we have created a function that gets executed immediately, and which returns another function that we will use going forward in our program.

This is an advanced technique to be aware of at this point, but not one you need to master right away. We’ll see it used, and use it ourselves, in later weeks to to avoid global variables, simulate block scope in JavaScript, and to choose or generate function implementations at runtime (e.g., polyfill).

Practice Exercises

For each of the following, write a function that takes the given arguments, and returns or produces (e.g., console.log) the given result.

  1. Given r (radius) of a circle, calculate the area of a circle (A = π * r * r).
  2. Simulate rolling a dice using random(). The function should allow the caller to specify any number of sides, but default to 6 if no side count is given: roll() (assume 6 sided, return random number between 1 and 6) vs. roll(50) (50 sided, return number between 1 and 50).
  3. Write a function that converts values in Celcius to Farenheit: convert(0) should return "32 F".
  4. Modify your solution to the previous function to allow a second argument: "F" or "C", and use that to determine what the scale of the value is, converting to the opposite: convert(122, "F") should return "50 C".
  5. Function taking any number of arguments (Numbers), returning true if they are all less than 50: isUnder50(1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 65) should return false.
  6. Function allowing any number of arguments (Numbers), returning their sum: sum(1, 2, 3) should return 6.
  7. Function allowing any number of arguments of any type, returns true only if none of the arguments is falsy. allExist(true, true, 1) should return true, but allExist(1, "1", 0) should return false.
  8. Function to create a JavaScript library name generator: generateName("dog") should return "dog.js"
  9. Function to check if a number is a multiple of 3 (returns true or false)
  10. Check if a number is between two other numbers, being inclusive if the final argument is true: checkBetween(66, 1, 50, true) should return false.
  11. Function to calculate the HST (13%) on a purchase amount
  12. Function to subtract a discount % from a total. If no % is given, return the original value.
  13. Function that takes a number of seconds as a Number, returning a String formatted like "X Days, Y Hours, Z Minutes" rounded to the nearest minute.
  14. Modify your solution above to only include units that make sense: "1 Minute" vs. "3 Hours, 5 Minutes" vs. "1 Day, 1 Hour, 56 Minutes" etc
  15. Function that takes any number of arguments (Numbers), and returns them in reverse order, concatenated together as a String: flip(1, 2, 3) should return "321"
  16. Function that takes two Numbers and returns their sum as an Integer value (i.e., no decimal portion): intSum(1.6, 3.333333) should return 4
  17. Function that returns the number of matches found for the first argument in the remaining arguments: findMatches(66, 1, 345, 2334, 66, 67, 66) should return 2
  18. Function to log all arguments larger than 255: showOutsideByteRange(1, 5, 233, 255, 256, 0) should log 256 to the console
  19. Function that takes a String and returns its value properly encoded for use in a URL. prepareString("hello world") should return "hello%20world"
  20. Using the previous function, write an enclosing function that takes any number of String arguments and returns them in encoded form, concatenated together like so: "?...&...&..." where “…” are the encoded strings. buildQueryString("hello world", "goodnight moon") should return "?hello%20world&goodnight%20moon"
  21. Function that takes a Function followed by any number of Numbers, and applies the function to all the numbers, returning the total: applyFn(function(x) { return x * x;}, 1, 2, 3) should return 14.

After you try writing these yourself, take a look at a possible solution.